Synchronizer of configurations and projects
copy/paste install cmd, enter gitTake for get your config and gitClean for reinitialise all same at start.
Sync a dir with many git projects and all yours scattered config files/folders in one repository in one command "gitSync".
git clone ~/.gitSync
bash ~/.gitSync/
Check the value of myGit variable in the new ~/.gitSync/ file with your repository address if you fail or skip install.
Synchronise your Sync folder indicate with $dirSync with the repository $myGit. Previous this sync all path in $favorites are sync in $dirSync for go push with your projects.
Do a gitSync all the $interval_auto_sync seconde(s)
Repatriate your $myGit repo in $dirSync and purpose you to infect this current device with your $favorites conf
Reinitialise the previous conf delete your ssh git key, $dirSync, and finally all traces.
Uninstall gitSync and purpose you to rm work folders